How we support the platform and our tenants

GOV.UK PaaS is supported Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm London Time, excluding bank holidays. Our responsibility model details the areas we cover.

For support you can submit a support request.

Our response times vary depending on:

  • the nature of the request - we prioritise issues over queries
  • the severity of the issue
  • if a live service is affected
  • if the request was raised in or outside of working hours

Our working hours are from 9am to 5pm on weekdays, excluding bank holidays.

Outside of working hours we do not provide support.

Response times for services in production

We address incidents, issues and requests within the timeframes detailed below:

ClassificationExampleIn hoursOut of hours
  • Applications are unavailable to end users due to a problem with our platform
  • Serious security breach on the platform
  • You can't make a critical fix to your production app due to the PaaS API not being available
  • Your live production app has a P1 issue which cannot be resolved without help from us

Start work and respond: 20 minutes

Update time: 1 hour

Not applicable

  • Can't update/push apps due to platform issue
  • Upstream vulnerabilities in GOV.UK PaaS components
  • Elevated error rates on the GOV.UK PaaS platform
  • Complete failure of a GOV.UK PaaS component
  • Substantial degradation of the GOV.UK PaaS service

Start work and respond: 30 minutes

Update time: 2 hours

not applicable
  • Users (platform users or end users) experiencing intermittent or degraded service due to platform issue.

Start work and respond: 2 hours

Update time: 4 hours

not applicable
  • Component failure that is not immediately impacting on service

Start work and respond: 1 business day

Update time: 2 business days

not applicable